Picture of the Day for November 13, 2012

With the sun out melting the snow today, the ‘hunt for spring’ fever continues this week and one sign that spring has arrived is the song of the Red-winged Blackbird as they hang out in the cattails.

The male Red-winged Blackbirds will do everything they can to get noticed, sitting on high perches and belting out their conk-la-ree! song all day long. Course they want the girls attention as the male Red-winged Blackbird may have as many as 15 female mates but with that many females, he apparently doesn’t watch them closely enough as a quarter to half of the nestlings are sired by a different male!


2 Replies to “Picture of the Day for November 13, 2012”

  1. I like how you have a different topic every week and I too found this very interesting
    about the red winged blackbird. I was surprised when I came home this afternoon
    to see a fat robin in my yard. He too must think it’s spring and decided not to fly

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