Picture of the Day for September 27, 2015

The night sky put on a nice treat, but this time it wasn’t a colorful orange-red sunset as the moon took on the blood color this time and the Blood Moon is the fourth and final eclipse of a lunar tetrad (four straight total eclipses of the moon, spaced at six full moons apart).  It is also the Northern Hemisphere’s Harvest Moon, or full moon nearest the September equinox. In addition, tonight’s moon is a Supermoon, as it happens to be the moon’s closest encounter with Earth for all of 2015, making it appear 14% larger and 33% brighter than other full moons.  The combination of a supermoon with an eclipse is a rare treat, with the last one occurring in 1982 and the next one in 2033.

I wish I was still on vacation to take the lunar eclipse next to a lighthouse, but since I wasn’t nor did I have any unique structure to line up with the moon, I just took close up pictures of the super duper lunar event.

Super Duper Lunar

Super Duper Lunar

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