Tag: American Red Squirrel

Picture of the Day for March 29, 2023

It has been hard for people to tap the maple trees for sap this spring with all the snow still on the ground, but maybe this American Red Squirrel has an easier time tapping the trees as folklore credits the red squirrel for the origin of maple syrup. They gouge the bark with its large front teeth and then leaves as the sap flows out. The squirrel returns later when the water evaporates from the sap and licks the maple sugary syrup.

American Red Squirrel

American Red Squirrel

Picture of the Day for October 4, 2019

In some places, there may have been a procession of animals to churches for a special ceremony called Blessing of the Animals which is conducted in remembrance of Saint Francis of Assisi’s love for all creatures. The statue I have of St. Francis has a deer, dog, cat, rabbit and a squirrel around his feet. So maybe St. Francis didn’t like chipmunks like the noisy ones chirping at me today. I rather listen to a red squirrel chattering instead, maybe since I don’t have many pine squirrels around my house. The American red squirrel is also known as a pine squirrel.

Pine Squirrel

Pine Squirrel

Picture of the Day for April 11, 2016

Yesterday, the critters were enjoying the warmer day and the little red squirrel was chattering my cats on the ground. He would go from branch to branch, but out of range of the leashes the cats were on, teasing them. Although my cats couldn’t reach him, the other little red squirrel could and they chased each other. Today the critters aren’t playing as much with the snowflakes falling around them.

American Red Squirrel

American Red Squirrel