Tag: Autumn

Picture of the Day for February 22, 2016

In the late 19th century, February 22 was a celebration of the birthday of George Washington but by the time it became a federal holiday in 1885, many parades had petered out and people had time off from work with no events to attend.  But the country was deep into the bicycle craze then and soon bike races were common and bicycle stores opened their doors on the holiday to show off the new spring line and offered sales.

Instead of Washington’s Birthday, many newspapers referred to February 22 as Bicycle Day as the new hobby had a lot of interest, although living in Wisconsin, I would not be thinking of riding a bike in February with all the snow and ice remaining on the ground and warmer day would be more appropriate. But as the times changed, soon bicycle sales moved to motorcycles and then to automobiles, but one thing hasn’t changed – the dealer sales on Presidents’ Day.

The Uniform Holidays Act of 1971, moved Washington’s Birthday to the third Monday in February so the holiday never lands on the 22nd anymore and although it is often to Presidents’ Day, the federal official name is still Washington’s Birthday so maybe Bicycle Day can make a return on February 22 as more people observe healthy activities.

Bicycle Day

Bicycle Day

Picture of the Day for February 5, 2016

With the recent snow and frost on the trees this morning under cloudy skies, everything outside looks rather white with very little color showing like what there would be on an autumn day. And I prefer this type of fall scene than when I had a ‘fall scene’ when I discovered unexpectedly a patch of ice under the snow the other morning.

A Stroll Down an Autumn Path

A Stroll Down an Autumn Path

Picture of the Day for November 3, 2015

With a sunny sky and above normal temperatures, it would be a nice day for a walk in the woods, but with the winds last week, the trees have been stripped of their colorful autumn leaves so the trees are mostly barren again for the long winter. So only memories of pretty autumn days are left as the leaves blow and scatter across the ground (and on my lawn where I have raked the leaves already) where they will eventually be covered with snow.

Autumn Walk in the Woods

Autumn Walk in the Woods

Picture of the Day for October 24, 2015

Nestled in the Baraboo Bluffs near the Wisconsin River, a small ravine can be found as part of the historic Durward’s Glen, which includes a church, a grotto, residences, a barn, small cemetery, an outdoor way of the cross, religious statues, and walking trails.

The property was the home of Bernard Durward, a painter and poet, and his family from 1862 until 1932 when it was sold and became a seminary. The glen was added to the National Register of Historic Places on November 7, 1978.

Pretty Ravine in Durward’s Glen

Pretty Ravine in Durward's Glen