Tag: Autumn

Picture of the Day for September 25, 2014

The cloudy and drizzly day didn’t provide the sunlight to reflect off the changing leaves but the sheep (plus a llama and goat) were more interested in green grass than orange leaves, at least until I interrupted their grazing. And they have their winter coats on already as they also probably figure winter is coming early (although the goat might need a knitted wool sweater).

Sheep Ignoring the Colors

Sheep Ignoring the Colors

Picture of the Day for September 23, 2014

Autumn officially started last evening at 9:29 pm for my area but it was too dark then to see if the day was the same length as night, but the sun is out shining on the first full day of autumn highlighting the autumn leaves turning color early. And it is definitely fall as some of the leaves have fallen already. Autumn, by the calendar, is supposed to go until December 21 when winter begins, but winter will arrive much sooner than that here so it is a rip off that autumn always draws the short stick! So I guess I better enjoy the autumn colors since they won’t last long.

First Full Day of Autumn

First Full Day of Autumn

Picture of the Day for September 19, 2014

There are more signs summer is coming to an end with the chill in the air and fall colors being to show more. Autumn is a pretty time of the year but it fades to quickly and the long winter is around the corner.

I wonder what the P stands for on the barn. Was it the first letter of the farmer’s last name or farm name? I wonder if it stood for Peterson like my great, great grandfather’s name.

The Red P Barn

The Red P Barn