Tag: Baltimore Oriole

Picture of the Day for May 24, 2023

The later arriving birds are still building their nests, and I like this oriole nest that used grass, plastic pieces from an old tarp, dried cattails leaves, string and even the bright red string which she poked through leaving the loops of string. It amazes me how they can get even building material attached to swaying limbs to start with before filling it in.

Oriole Hanging Nest

Oriole Hanging Nest

Picture of the Day for May 10, 2023

With the trees beginning to leaf out, the orioles have arrived. And they must have been hungry from their trip north as one sugar water feeder was already empty and the other probably will need filling in the morning too. The Baltimore Orioles young males do not molt into their bright orange color until the fall of their second year.

Baltimore Oriole Arrived

Baltimore Oriole Arrived

Picture of the Day for May 21, 2020

I know the orioles around my place are not color blind, but they apparently are prejudice of color as they will take the white strings and rarely take any of the red strings for nest building. Even the blue jay came and took the white strings. It is funny to watch them often grab more than one string before flying off to their nesting site as seen in the video I took a few years ago.

Taking Strings

Taking Strings