Tag: Baptism River

Picture of the Day for March 8, 2022

There was a loud noise when a chunk of ice and snow fell off the house roof today. I rather have the loud roar of a non-frozen waterfall instead, especially with more upcoming days below freezing temperatures. The High Falls of the Baptism River has a drop of 60 feet but has a bigger volume of water in the spring and summer compared to this late fall image.

High Falls of the Baptism River

High Falls of the Baptism River


Picture of the Day for December 19, 2018

Although cloudy, it did reach forty degrees briefly today and so there was some water running from the melting snow. More patches of ground appeared so a white Christmas could be in jeopardy. But with all the melting, it still hasn’t melted all the snow off my roof so I had a mini waterfall by the door but it wasn’t a pretty as the upper part of Two Step Falls on the Baptism River.

Stepping Down on Two Step Falls

Stepping Down on Two Step Falls

Picture of the Day for September 3, 2018

In 1884, Congress created the Labor Day holiday, which came about because workers felt they were spending too many hours (60 to 70) on the job. The holiday today for many people marks the end of summer with outings and barbecuing, but also Labor Day sales so retail workers end up working more on the holiday instead of having the day off.  So maybe we should get back to the original spirit of the holiday by not working and getting away from the daily grind by disconnecting from electronics while enjoying some of nature’s beauty.

Mouth of the Baptism River

Mouth of the Baptism River

Picture of the Day for March 8, 2016

Most of the snow melted overnight around my house, just leaving some drifts and snow in the shaded areas, so the creeks, streams and rivers should be running full as they carry the melted white stuff away. And waterfalls will be filled with gushing springtime water instead of the light flow during the fall, although this High Falls on the Baptism River is still iced over but will eventually come roaring back to life.

Autumn on the Baptism River

Autumn on the Baptism River

Picture of the Day for December 7, 2014

The sun setting by a waterfall is a peaceful experience, but many didn’t get to experience a sunset on a Sunday December 7 day in 1941 when Pearl Harbor was attacked and more than 2,400 people were killed in a day which President Franklin D. Roosevelt to proclaim “a date which will live in infamy”.

Some wars are said to be won but no one ever wins from wars. Fights and wars still continue today from major conflicts, with more lost of life, to smaller fights and arguments which tear friends and family apart. Maybe someday everyone in the world can enjoy peace.

Peaceful Sunset Waterfall

Peaceful Sunset Waterfall