Tag: Bayfield County

Picture of the Day for January 5, 2022

It has been a rollercoaster of temperatures with 30 degrees yesterday afternoon but already below zero tonight. And then colder yet tomorrow night but back in the upper 20s on Saturday. The ups and downs of the changing temperature would be more bearable if it was in the 60s and not -20. This road might make a great sledding hill in the winter but I prefer the autumn rollercoaster road instead.

Rollercoaster Road

Rollercoaster Road

Picture of the Day for June 12, 2020

The bottom portion of this sign probably applies to a few of my relatives (even if they had GPS). And also applies to navigating as one of my aunts lost her navigating spot in the passenger seat and was relegated to the back seat after a few hours of traveling (because she was too busy looking at the scenery and not paying attention to the roads signs or the map).

Lost Road Sign

Lost Road Sign