Tag: Blanding’s Turtle

Picture of the Day for June 13, 2019

Today I drove around a turtle (after I took its picture) and discovered it was a turtle which isn’t as common as the painted or snapping turtle.  The Blanding’s turtle was removed from Wisconsin’s Threatened list on January 1, 2014 but are still listed as a Species of Special Concern.  The destruction of Blanding’s turtle habitat is causing increased turtle mortality in all life stages and roads are also a hazard for them.

The females may travel a mile to their nesting site from about mid-May through early July depending on spring temperatures. Nests are not safe from hungry birds, crows, skunks, foxes, and raccoons. Each clutch, or nest of eggs, contains from 3 to 17 eggs and takes 65 to 90 days to hatch. The Blanding’s turtle takes 17 to 20 years or more to reach maturity and may live over 70 years.

Blanding’s Turtle

Blanding's Turtle