Tag: Brown Thrasher

Picture of the Day for April 25, 2023

Another bird has arrived but the Brown Thrasher wasn’t singing this morning, probably since it is still way below average and the trees are not budded out as far as when I took this picture during a warmer spring. If he was singing, his song includes imitations of other birds and over a thousand of different song types.

Brown Thrasher Not Singing

Brown Thrasher Not Singing

Picture of the Day for May 12, 2021

I spotted a brown thrasher briefly at my bird feeder today but I heard it singing a lot longer. The thrasher’s voice carried from its high perch in the top of the tree and the male brown thrasher has a very large song repertoire, with over 1,100 documented and estimated to be over 3,000. They also imitate other birds songs, especially during the breeding season.

Singing Brown Thrasher

Singing Brown Thrasher

Picture of the Day for May 6, 2013

The birds are singing up a storm this morning especially this Brown Thrasher. I think they are happy the snow is melting and things are turning green again. Brown Thrashers are accomplished songsters that may sing more than 1,100 different song types and include imitations of other birds, including Chuck-will’s-widows, Tufted titmice, Northern Cardinals, Wood Thrushes, and Northern Flickers. Some sources state that it has up to 3,000 song chants. All I know is that he can get very loud but at least he doesn’t get off key too often.

Singing Brown Thrasher

 Singing Brown Thrasher