Tag: Bumblebee

Picture of the Day for September 27, 2023

The native flower, Turtlehead, named because of the blossom’s lips look like a turtle’s beak, but to me the flower could be called Bumblebee flower instead as if you look closely, you might see a bumblebee squeezing into a blossom or backing out of one. Bumblebees are one of the few insects strong enough to push open the mouth and wiggle past the stamen that acts like a roadblock to reach the nectar.

Bumblebee in Turtlehead

Bumblebee in Turtlehead

Picture of the Day for September 20, 2019

If you look closely inside the left blossom, you can spot a bumblebee collecting nectar from the pink turtlehead flower. Turtlehead gets its common name from the blossoms that resemble the shape of a turtle’s head with its mouth partly open although the lips are hard to pry open and bumblebees are one of the few insects that have the strength to enter inside.

Bee Inside Turtlehead

Bee Inside Turtlehead

Watch the bumblebee enter the turtlehead blossom.

Picture of the Day for June 2, 2016

The bumblebees were busy collecting nectar as soon as the rain stopped.  The flowers were drooping their heads even more after the rain, causing the bees to play “Hang on Harvey” in order to get the nectar. Even the bee in the lower left corner had the same pose. Bumblebees are important pollinators of both crops and wildflowers but with their large round body size, compared to their wings, it is hard to believe they are capable of flight.

Busy Bumble Bee

Busy Bumble Bee