Tag: Bunny

Picture of the Day for June 12, 2018

The other evening, a deer was eating grass on my yard and bumped into a rabbit who took off running and scared a squirrel who caused a robin to take flight. I may need traffic signals out in my yard. Both the deer population and the rabbit numbers seem to be high this year and this spring’s young bunny is growing up fast as it nibbles on my lawn.

Baby Bunny

Baby Bunny

Picture of the Day for May 25, 2016

This morning a chipmunk was on my porch but yesterday afternoon, two little bunnies were hopping around the screen porch, teasing my cats. It was fun watching them race around the yard and they have grown since when I nearly stepped on one of them. And so when they grow up more, they will be after my garden too besides the chipmunks but since I don’t have it planted yet, they have to settle for clovers instead.

Bunny in Clover

Bunny in Clover