Tag: Butterfly

Picture of the Day for March 19, 2021

Although there is still some snow around, more hints of spring appeared today with my troublesome chipmunks emerging from their winter dens as the call of the killdeer could be heard in the field. And on my lawn, my cat tried to catch the first butterfly of the season, a Mourning Cloak. The adult butterfly hibernates during the winter and is often the first spotted flying in the spring.

Butterfly Out of Hibernation

Butterfly Out of Hibernation

Picture of the Day for July 28, 2020

A pair of monarchs were floating around together while I was mowing and I suppose they have to hurry up and mate so there is a later generation which will migrate in the fall. Monarchs will remain together for several hours, sometimes as long as 16 hours, as they mate before the male releases the female so she can lay her eggs.

Monarchs Mating

Monarchs Mating

Picture of the Day for June 24, 2020

Although butterflies are around in the spring and fall, to me butterflies mean summertime. In my part of the state, there are two different types of tiger swallowtail butterflies and when they are flying, it is hard to look at the spots to know which type it is. Normally the ones I capture with a photo are the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, but sometimes the Canadian Tiger Swallowtail will adventure into camera range.

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail