Tag: Butterfly

Picture of the Day for May 11, 2020

This spring the first butterfly I saw was the Mourning Cloak, but normally I see the Red Admiral first. One was enjoying the sunshine after some cold cloudy days, but the Red Admiral today looked more orange than red after a long winter. I’ll have to look for other ones to see if they are red like during the summer or pale orange.

Red Admiral Not Red

Red Admiral Not Red

Picture of the Day for March 31, 2020

March came in like a lamb, and with sunshine and a temperature in the low fifties, March went out like a lamb too. Or maybe floated out like a butterfly, as one of the first butterflies of the season was enjoying the sunshine on my lawn this afternoon. The Mourning Cloak has one brood in July and after flying around in the summer and fall, it hibernates over winter before mating in spring.

Mourning Cloak Butterfly

Mourning Cloak Butterfly

Picture of the Day for September 19, 2019

Bugs, bees and butterflies were enjoying a dry day to collect nectar from the late summer flowers. This monarch butterfly was very intent on collecting from goldenrod, which provides a good nectar flow in late summer. Most adults monarchs only live for a few weeks, but the generation born as fall approaches hold off on reproducing and monarchs from this area will make the long migration to Mexico. These migrating monarchs will live for six to eight months before starting back north in the spring.

Monarch on Goldenrod

Monarch on Goldenrod