Tag: Calliopsis

Picture of the Day for October 1, 2013

The “leaf peepers” might not only ignore the tree trunks, but the late fall wildflowers too even if bright red and yellow like this little flower in the morning dew. A single blossom too little to be see driving by on the road but might catch your eye if a cluster of them are waving their colors in the breeze.

The Plains coreopsis, also known as Golden tickseed, Goldenwave, or Calliopsis, is a native wildflower to the Great Plains but has been introduced to most regions of the United States. And while the annual does not grow very tall and has to compete with taller grasses and wildflowers, it does attract a variety of insects such as bees, flies, butterflies and beetles.

And apparently some insect chewed a hole in the petal so while the people out driving looking for autumn leaf colors may ignore this wildflower, the insects didn’t!

Plains Coreopsis

Plains Coreopsis