Tag: Canadian Goose

Picture of the Day for April 8, 2023

I spotted the first ducks back this morning, but as three of them headed towards my pond, they waved off the approach at the last minute when they noticed the pond was frozen over yet. A pair of geese did have a tiny patch of open water just enough for both of them float side by side but not much room to do anything else. Maybe tomorrow some more of the ice will melt and hopefully the ducks will return to my pond.

Goose Leaving Frozen Pond

Goose Leaving Frozen Pond

Picture of the Day for March 20, 2016

Although first full day of spring started out below freezing this morning, the partial sunshine will hopefully warm slightly above freezing so one might take a Sunday drive to view the migrating birds stopping at various areas on their trek farther north. One pond had some Lesser Scaup and Common Goldeneye ducks as well as some Snow Geese. And since the pond was call Goose Pond, there were a lot of Canadian Geese there too. The ducks were more shy than the geese and except for one, all the snow geese remained on the other side of the road.  Madison Audubon Society’s Goose Pond is one of Wisconsin’s Watchable Wildlife Areas and a designated State Natural Area and more than 250 species of birds have been sighted at this prairie area around the ponds. My short recent visit there may have only reveal about 10 different species of birds but probably more can be found now that spring has officially arrived.

Goose Pond

Goose Pond