This chicken feathers looks a little fluffy but she doesn’t seem to happy to be at the fair.
Fluffy Chicken
I wake up with a rooster tail hairdo but this chicken has more than I get! The Silkie chicken (named for the fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk) has an odd looking head and hairdo. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens only have four.
Bad Chicken Hairdo
I’m a bit of a chicken this morning! I don’t want to go out in the below zero temperature to shovel the snow drift in the driveway. And I think this chicken looks a bit grumpy too about the weather.
Chilly Chicken
The county fairs brings all kinds of people and animals to the fair, even some ugly hairless rats, but a trip through the poultry and rabbit barn is always a necessity trip to see the cute little bunnies. Although an unpleasant honk from a goose might welcome you instead. And then there are some chickens with a very bad hair day but other chickens can be quite colorful.
Colorful Chicken