Tag: Chipmunk

Picture of the Day for March 12, 2024

The mid-sixty degree day woke the chipmunks up from their winter nap. This chipmunk raced up the oak tree and hid in a hole in the limb as two other chipmunks were chasing each other at the base of the tree. I’m not sure the the chipmunk was trying to hide from the others or if the paw over the face was a mother shame of her kids misbehaving.

Can’t See Me Chipmunk

Can't See Me Chipmunk


Picture of the Day for April 5, 2022

The other day  I spotted a chipmunk in one of my birdhouses. I don’t know if he thought the birdhouse would be drier than his underground tunnels with the melting snow or if he is a teenager wanting a tree house to play in. And it looks like he stuffed his mouth full of my bird seed so he could play all day in his boy’s fort without going home for lunch.

Chipmunk Tree House

Chipmunk Tree House

Picture of the Day for March 15, 2022

There was a few signs of spring today, even with the new snow yesterday, as I heard some sandhill cranes flying overhead as well as spotting some racoons out of hibernation playing in the water puddles. Plus my troublesome chipmunks have emerged from their winter tunnels as one went racing across the snow before racing up a tree.

Returning Chipmunk

Returning Chipmunk

Picture of the Day for September 2, 2020

This year I gave up having potted flowers on my porch or any vegetables because the chipmunks would uproot and dig out my plants. Even without having any potted plants all summer, it didn’t take them long to discover a couple of potted trees that I received recently but haven’t planted yet. The chipmunks have been digging already and burrowed tunnels down around the roots.

Troublesome Chipmunk

Troublesome Chipmunk