Tag: Clouds

Picture of the Day for June 3, 2014

The last of the oaks are finally leafing out and it finally looks like summer, although not all the trees survived the long, harsh winter and some big and young trees will not leaf out again.

But the sun is out and it is a nice summer day for a change so I just might have to get my hammock out under the trees.

Trees Green Again

Trees Green Again

Picture of the Day for May 17, 2014

It seemed very wrong to have to wear a stocking cap and jacket when mowing lawn yesterday but then it wasn’t real warm and clouds dropping sprinkles on me kept occurring most of the day. This storm cloud coming from the north glowed as the sun was setting to the west, but I wasn’t looking at the pretty colors but dark streaks of rain at the bottom and I was trying to guess if I would get wet again or not.

Rain on the Way

Rain on the Way

Picture of the Day for April 11, 2014

Abundant snowfall did allow my pond to fill up this spring with the melting snow and there are a few snow drifts left to remind us of the long winter. But the tree swallows have arrived today and I saw a butterfly too, although no frogs singing the spring chorus yet nor any tadpoles swimming in the pond. Just a few water beetles swimming in the cold pond water. Update : heard a couple of frogs late this afternoon for a few minutes in the warmest part of the day.

Refilled Pond

Refilled Pond

Picture of the Day for December 30, 2013

“Red sky at morning, sailors take warning; Red sky at night, sailors’ delight.” This rhyme is an ancient rule of thumb for for weather forecasting, dating back over 2,000 years, based on the reddish glow of the morning or evening sky, caused by haze or clouds related to storms in the region. My grandmother would substitute the word fisherman instead of sailors and shepherds was one of the earliest phases used.

Well the red sunrise may not have brought a storm but it sure brought some frigid temperatures so the shepherd had better found shelter for his flock!

Red Sky Warning

Red Sky Warning

Picture of the Day for September 21, 2013

A sunny afternoon can change very quickly, especially on Lake Superior as she can generate squalls very swiftly in which the sun is covered by darkened skies, the wind begins to increase speed and soon you feel the pounding rain.

After a lifetime of living and working around the lake, commercial fisherman Julian Nelson described it this way…”The lake is the boss. No matter how big you are or what kind of a boat you’ve got, the lake is still the boss. Mother Nature dictates a lot of things.”

The Lake is the Boss

The Lake is the Boss