Tag: Country Road

Picture of the Day for October 2, 2012

Even if yesterday’s horses were more interested in grass than the color foliage, I was definitely on the hunt for the colored leaves when I went leaf peeping on Sunday with my mom. We both liked this spot on a side road and I was glad that no one was behind us since I would stop every few feet to snap some more pictures before inching forward to soak in the glorious color and view that pulled at your soul.

Autumn Allure

Picture of the Day for September 26, 2012

After being a taxi service for my brother to get all the equipment to the field to pick corn, I decided to do a little ‘leaf peeping’ in the area yesterday. ‘Leaf Peepers’ are appreciated by business owners since they benefit from the autumn tourism but are often disliked by the locals that have to share the roads with the sightseers. I might have been a local but still had to pull over and let the locals get around me who weren’t out photographing the autumn colors. But I did find one road that I didn’t have to worry about any traffic and so I was able to enjoy the fall colors in peace without worrying if anyone was behind me or not.

Quiet Road for Leaf Peeping