Tag: Covered Wagon

Picture of the Day for December 10, 2019

According to the Wisconsin State Historical Marker found in Port Wing, expanding logging operations increased the number of students more than small log schoolhouses could handle. A idea of consolidating the rural districts and establishing a larger school with free transportation was proposed and a new school district was completed in January 1903.

The marker states, “So far as is known, this was the first school district in Wisconsin to provide free, tax-supported transportation. Canvas covered horse drawn wagons or sleighs, known as “school rigs” were used for this purpose.”

This school bus might not be very warm in the sub-zero temperatures but it would have been better than walking in the cold wind.

Wisconsin’s First School Bus

Wisconsin's First School Bus

Picture of the Day for June 23, 2015

I had to pick up a lot of limbs from the wind and rain yesterday morning, so I was glad to have a sturdier structure to be inside than a covered wagon during a storm. The pioneers were a brave bunch of people to travel west all those miles in just a covered wagon, carrying all their belongings and food to make a start a new life.

Covered Wagon

Covered Wagon