Tag: Duck

Picture of the Day for May 23, 2024

After waiting patiently (or really not), the baby wood ducks finally started to hatch today as the first chicks began appearing out from the mother duck. I was worried when she had left the nest for most of one night when something scared her out of the box that maybe they wouldn’t hatch or that a racoon would get the eggs, so it was great to see the ducklings hatching. Of the 17 eggs laid, 14 of them hatched.

Hatching Has Started

Hatching Has Started

Picture of the Day for March 24, 2022

I had a pair of geese standing on my snow pile today and not sure why they didn’t like the bare ground instead, but eventually they made their way down to my pond. The pond is still mostly covered by ice although the big patch drifted to one end so there was an open spot. And in that open slice of water, I spotted the first returning duck of the season. The male Hooded Merganser has black head with a large white patch that varies in size when his crest is raised or lowered,

First Duck of Spring

First Duck of Spring

Picture of the Day for April 27, 2021

I had a pair of Blue-winged Teal ducks stopping at my pond for a brief stay on their way north. They are one of the last variety of ducks to migrate north in the spring and also one of the first to leave in the fall. Blue-winged Teal are the second most abundant duck in the country behind the Mallard, but they don’t seem to stay more than a few days at my pond. But they also don’t make use of my duck houses as they make their nest on the ground.

Blue-winged Teal Pair

Blue-winged Teal Pair