Tag: Ducks

Picture of the Day for May 2, 2022

This morning I had a pair of Blue-winged Teal ducks visit my pond. They are among the latest ducks to arrive in the spring and one of the first to leave in fall. They build their nests on the ground but so far the Blue-winged Teal only seem to visit my pond in the spring but don’t hang around to nest.

Visiting Blue-winged Teals

Visiting Blue-winged Teals

Picture of the Day for April 2, 2022

As the temperature remained above freezing last night, most of the pond ice melted which allowed some mallards to enjoy the open water today and dabbled for food. At least when the two males weren’t chasing each other as there was only one female.  But it will be a couple months before any baby mallards can be spotted enjoying a swim at the pond.

Waiting for Baby Ducks

Waiting for Baby Ducks