Tag: Fawn

Picture of the Day for August 2, 2021

The other morning, two fawns were playing down by my pond without their mothers. And three hours later, they were in my front lawn, still without either doe. So I think the two sneaked away from their mommies and probably got in trouble as I didn’t see either of them the next day. This morning I spotted one fawn so was worried something happened to its mother but a few minutes later the doe came racing into the yard (like maybe her kid wandered away again).

Playful Fawn

Playful Fawn

Picture of the Day for July 26, 2018

I thought I spotted twin fawns the other day, but it turned out to be triplet fawns playing follow the leader. There must have been some sibling rivalry as none of them got too close to each other as they made their way down the driveway, across my lawn and down the path into the woods. They must have escaped mom’s watchful eye as I never spotted a doe near them.

First of Three

First of Three