Tag: Ferns

Picture of the Day for June 10, 2019

The color green is showing in the grass, trees and plants like ferns. Ferns first appear in the fossil record about 360 million years ago so they have been around for a long, long time. They may have been around for a long time, but they do disappear in the winter here so it is nice to see them spreading out in the summer again.

Old Ferns

Old Ferns

Picture of the Day for October 2, 2013

When I posted the picture of the tree trunk and people ignoring it for the colored leaves, someone pointed that the roots are ignored too but just important. Well to take that a step farther, one must remember the ground the roots are in and the rock base where the ground rests on. The top of this rock wall is covered with hardwoods and pines and by this week, the contrast between the green and red foliage would be as striking as the ferns and red rocks below the trees.

Red and Green Below

Red and Green Below