Tag: Field

Picture of the Day for May 8, 2021

As the farmers begin the spring field work for planting, it almost looks like fall with the maples showing some red color as the buds unfurl. The leaves will turn green when they start to produce the green chlorophyll pigment, which can be delayed by cloudy or cold days. So with the temperatures hovering near freezing at night for the past several weeks is giving us a more autumn looking spring.

Springtime Red

Springtime Red

Picture of the Day for March 27, 2017

The calendar might say it is spring, but it is more of a gray period instead with another cloudy day and the brownish landscape which has emerged from the snow. A field of dandelions would look pretty about now, even if people don’t like them, but bees love them. I like the yellow stage, it is the white seed releasing event that I don’t care for.

Yellow Field

Yellow Field

Picture of the Day for April 1, 2015

According to the Farmers’ Almanac, if it thunders on All Fool’s Day, it brings good crops of corn and hay. We could use a good crop season but so far all day the thunderstorms have been staying just to the north, although there is a line of storms heading this direction now. The cropland remains idle after the long winter so hopefully the April Fool’s Day storm will bring a great crop year.

April Fool’s Day Thunder

April Fool's Day Thunder

Picture of the Day for February 20, 2015

The night brought a new coating of snow so many of the critter tracks are covered over with the blowing snow. But there are definitely squirrel tracks coming from the trees to my bird feeders and to my porch which they decorated my porch screen again with yellow pee – both this morning and yesterday morning. They better quit doing that as it is too cold to keep washing the screens.

New Coating of Snow

New Coating of Snow

Picture of the Day for August 19, 2014

A field full of weeds can look pretty, but then to some the yellow goldenrod isn’t a weed and is held as a sign of good luck or good fortune. They are good fortune to insects providing a source of nectar and well as historically healing wounds on the skin. Even Thomas Edison experimented with goldenrod to produce rubber, which it contains naturally.

Others might cuss out the goldenrod for allergy problems but another culprit, the ragweed, which blooms at the same time is usually responsible for seasonal allergies.

Pretty Field of Weeds

Pretty Field of Weeds