Tag: Fireworks

Picture of the Day for July 4, 2020

The ‘fireworks’ in my yard this evening were from fireflies, although some must have thought it was too hot for flying as they were perched on limbs as they flashed their lights to the croaking of the frogs in the pond. Many Independence Day activities were canceled this year, including firework displays but there were plenty of neighborhood fireworks going off, which had my cat hiding until the booms stopped.

Fireworks on the Fourth

Fireworks on the Fourth

Picture of the Day for July 4, 2017

Fireworks, parties and grilling out are common events for the 4th of July holiday. And with the 4th on a Tuesday this year, the various towns fireworks celebrations have been spread out on different days. Although I didn’t like the jerk who was shooting off fireworks at 2 am this morning or definitely didn’t like the idiot, who was shooting some off before the professional firework display started, since it malfunctioned and sent debris flying at the car I was sitting in.

Fireworks for the 4th

Fireworks for the 4th


Picture of the Day for July 5, 2015

For almost a week, a thick haze has covered the skies from the smoke generated by the Canadian forest fires turning the sun and moon into reddish blobs with no pretty sunsets. And because of the smoke haze, I wasn’t able to see the spectacular Venus-Jupiter conjunction and now will have to wait until March 1, 2023 to have another conjunction as close to the one I missed.

The air quality was “unhealthy for sensitive groups” last night from the fires but also made worse from all the fireworks in the area. But fireworks can be pretty (as long as they aren’t going off after midnight) and they come in a range of colors, shapes and styles. This one reminded me of the wild bergamot or bee balm flower with its fuzzy flower heads.

Flower Firework

Flower Firework