Tag: Flowers

Picture of the Day for April 7, 2020

The day started off with a thunderstorm and then so foggy I couldn’t see my pond. But late afternoon the sun came out and the bluebirds were singing as they checked out birdhouses. The pheasants and woodpeckers added some mating calls as sandhill cranes flew overhead. The evening frog choir serenaded the pink supermoon as it rose in the sky. This April’s full moon, also known as the pink moon because of moss pink, native North American wildflowers that bloom in early springtime, happens to be the closest moon of the year. While pink flowers may be blooming elsewhere, the blossoms I spotted today in my yard were blues and not pink.

Finally Flowers

Finally Flowers

Picture of the Day for May 30, 2019

The Bleeding Heart is not a native flower, but it blossoms say spring to me. As a kid, I would pull the outer pink petals off to reveal the inner heart.  But one of its other common names is “lady-in-a-bath”, which comes from the shape when held upside down and the outer petals are only pull at a 90 degree angle and the two halves form the tub with the lady sitting in the middle. But since I never pulled them partway, it was not a name I associated with the flowers.

The Bleeding Heart

The Bleeding Heart