Tag: Flowers

Picture of the Day for April 30, 2019

April showers are supposed to bring May flowers, but it also makes the few brave April flowers a little wet, like these Siberian squills, a native plant of southwestern Russia, the Caucasus, and Turkey (but not native to Siberia). The blue color helps brighten a rainy day but it is becoming invasive in Midwestern United States.

Showers on Siberian Squills

Showers on Siberian Squills

Picture of the Day for April 28, 2019

A late April Sunday walk through the woods would be nice to search for wildflowers, but today it was a bit chilly and the ground still soggy plus the late spring has very few wildflowers open yet. I did find a “wild” flower on my lawn though. Snow Glory, also called Glory-of-the-Snow, is a small bulb-producing plant native to western Turkey and garden centers sells this ornamental bulb. I had some planted in my retaining wall beds, but now they have escaped, relocating on different areas of my lawn, even up a steep hill.

Wild Flower

Wild Flower