Tag: Green Heron

Picture of the Day for September 2, 2022

Earlier this week, the winds were in the right direction for bird migration and an estimated 8.1 million birds cross over my county in one night. And while those birds flying at an average of 46 mph at 2,700 feet were from farther north, my summer birds are leaving too. And since I didn’t scare away my green heron out of my pond when I mowed this week, the tadpoles may be safe from the hungry heron if it migrated south. One afternoon, I watched the green heron snatch a dozen tadpoles so I don’t know if it was going to feed some young chicks or it was just a big snack getting ready for the migration.

Green Heron Hunting

Green Heron Hunting

Picture of the Day for July 14, 2022

The size of the Great Blue Heron makes them easier to spot than a Green Heron, but the tendency of the Green Heron to conceal themselves on the edge of the water behind vegetation makes it hard to spot them. A few days ago I scared a Green Heron out of my pond and the following day another flew out of the cattails along the road. And again today, while I was mowing, I think I chased the same heron away.  Even when I search for them, I never spot the heron until it is airborne and maybe I might get a photo if I see where it lands in a tree, where even there it is hidden by leaves.

Green Heron Hiding

Green Heron Hiding

Picture of the Day for June 28, 2018

While I was mowing today, I spotted two little fawns who where hiding in the long grass but they did take off when I got too close after they moved to a different spot and I didn’t notice them until it was too late. I was also disturbing a green heron who was hanging around the pond edge and had to fly multiple times to the trees. Green Herons usually hunt by wading in shallow water for small fish and other things so it was probably after my little fish. They also create fishing lures with items like insects or feathers that they drop on the surface of the water to entice small fish.

Displaced Green Heron

Displaced Green Heron