The famers have been busy putting up hay since it hasn’t rained to delay the haying process. Now we just have to hope some rain will come so there is a second crop of hay.
Baling Hay
On dry summer days, farmers work to get hay up in between the rainy days. And while a majority of the hay may be harvested in large round bales, some hay is still put up as loose hay. The pair of horses pull the hay wagon and hay loader, which picks up the hay from the windrows and conveys the hay up to the wagon where the farmer forks the hay around to level out the load.
Hay Loader
While many enjoyed the day off during this holiday, there are always some who have to ‘labor’ on this Labor Day, like the clerks working at the gas station when I filled up with fuel today and those employed at other business still open during the holiday. Farmers often work during the holiday, especially if it is a dry day to get the hay baled.
Farming Labor
The dry days this week have farmers scrambling to get field work done, including cutting and baling hay, before another rainy week starts tomorrow afternoon. And the haying method has changed over the years and baling large round bales is so different than the little hay bales that I had to stack on a wagon behind a square baler.
Making Large Round Hay Bales
Watch the haying process.