Tag: Hepatica

Picture of the Day for April 12, 2023

Spring has arrived, or maybe summer is here temporarily with an 86 degree day, and with the warm day, three different flowers opened up, including the native wildflower Hepatica which blooms before its leaves sprout up. The fruits of the Hepatica are reported to be a favorite of chipmunks so maybe that is why I have so many of those rodents around.

First Wildflower

First Wildflower

Picture of the Day for April 26, 2022

The one 60 degree day on Saturday helped to nudge spring a little bit as I noticed a warbler back today as well as the grass starting to green up some after the rain. At noon there was some buds of the Snow Glories and by this evening, one blossom had opened. The first wildflower buds of the Hepatica are ready to open but look a bit weary like they were frozen. It was in the 20s last night and will be again tonight so the flowers probably wished they waited another week before emerging.

Frozen Flower

Frozen Flower

Picture of the Day for March 16, 2021

It looked like winter again this morning with the ground covered by snow. During a walk through the woods on Saturday, I searched for any signs of the hepaticas poking up as they normally one of the first wildflowers to bloom around my place. I found no hint of them yet and it was a good thing since they would have been covered in cold snowflakes today.

No Hepaticas Yet

No Hepaticas Yet

Picture of the Day for April 27, 2020

Today the birds sounded like they were inside my house as it was finally warm enough to open the windows for the first time this year. And the wildflowers seemed to soak up the warmth too with wood violets, bloodroots, and yellow trout lily blossoms finally opened. And the earlier opened hepatica blooms seemed to gain more color on this warm afternoon after the morning rain.

Sunny Hepaticas

Sunny Hepaticas