Tag: Interstate Park

Picture of the Day for March 19, 2019

It sounded like rain this afternoon with the melting snow dripping off my roof creating a deep cut to the ground in the four foot snow bank. Water does have the power to cut through even rock, although it might take a little longer than cutting through my snow banks. My snow bank cut wasn’t as impressive as the slice in this rock.

Slice in Rock

Slice in Rock

Picture of the Day for June 3, 2017

On this warm weekend day, some visitors to the Dalles of the St. Croix  River area may have been doing some rock climbing in the deep basalt gorge, which has walls as high as 250 feet above the water.  The rock formation in the center looks like the toy robot in the “Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots” old game that originally came out in 1964.

Rock Robot

Rock Robot

Picture of the Day for July 13, 2016

On the riverbed of the Glacial St. Croix River, which was fed the melting ice sheets that were a mile thick over 10,000 years ago, sand and gravel were caught in giant eddies. The action of the swirling rocks wore holes in the hard basalt riverbed and larger rocks that fell into the holes were tumbled and spun until nearly smooth.

This large pothole is called the Lily Pond, since in the early days of the state park, water lilies were planted in the pothole. I didn’t see any lilies in the pothole, although a frog was croaking up a storm, but I think it might need to be renamed Pea Soup Pond instead.

Lily Pond Pothole

Lily Pond Pothole