Tag: Jack-in-the-pulpit

Picture of the Day for April 28, 2013

A lot of the snow has melted but there are still no wildflowers blooming. The Jack-in-the-Pulpit also called Parson-in-the-Pulpit seems like an appropriate picture to post on a Sunday. Jack (or Parson) in the Pulpit alludes to the resemblance of the spadix (Jack) in the spathe (Pulpit) to a country parson perched on an elevated stand over his congregation.

One would think that they could have given the preacher a better name than Jack since it sounds like Jack-in-the-box. Now Luke, John, Paul, Mark, James, Daniel, Nathan or Peter would be a better sounding name for a preacher.




Picture of the Day for March 10, 2013

According to the ‘official groundhog’ prediction, spring was supposed to be early and come in four weeks. Well the four weeks are up and it is snowing this morning so my groundhog was right this time, not that I wanted him to right. And since I am waiting for spring, I think this week’s theme will be search for spring wildflowers.

And while the Jack-in-the-pulpit doesn’t have bright colors, it is at least green instead of white!

