Tag: Keewenaw

Picture of the Day for January 13, 2019

Across the bay from where the Copper Harbor Lighthouse sits, the brig John Jacob Astor was wrecked on the rocks at the end of cove in 1844 when a terrific gale came up and the Astor lost one of its two anchors. Repeated attempts were made to free the Astor from the rocks, but she broke up in the severe winter weather conditions. There was only one other schooner left on Lake Superior that fall so the loss of the Astor created severe winter food shortages across the Upper Peninsula including Fort Wilkins in Copper Harbor.

Shipwreck Site

Shipwreck Site

Picture of the Day for October 28, 2016

The windy days can help dry the laundry on the lines, but it does cause waves and make a rougher ride on the water. And stormy days are why lighthouses were so important in the past as a navigation aid. The Eagle Harbor lighthouse was built in 1851 and replaced with the present red brick structure in 1871. A fog signal was added in 1895 to the lighthouse complex.

Eagle Harbor Lighthouse

Eagle Harbor Lighthouse