Tag: Kittens

Picture of the Day for June 19, 2015

Today is the 8th birthday of the orphan kitten who I raised since she was a week old and the star of my children’s book. For all the pampering she had as a kitten, she never was a cuddly cat and became ornerier when my other cat Dutch died last spring so she lost her place in the house and now living in the building outside. Apparently no one told her that on a farm, there are always new and cute kittens which can dethrone a cranky cat like this batch who are just starting to wander out from their nest exploring the big world.

Kittens New Explorations

Kittens New Explorations

Picture of the Day for March 16, 2015

Critters and humans enjoyed the taste of spring the past week and we won’t like the return to normal temperatures. A pair of geese came to my pond yesterday and the seven kittens who were born on one of the coldest days in February (and needed a heat lamp to keep them from freezing) enjoyed the warm sunshine. But they better grow up fast as the chipmunk was on my porch this morning since he knows my cat died last year and feels safe to dig in my flower pots.

Box Full of Kittens

Box Full of Kittens

Picture of the Day for October 31, 2013

Today is All Hallow’s Eve, of course better known as Halloween, a night filled with children trick or treating and witches, ghosts, pumpkins, and other scary things are often seen. Black cats are also associated with Halloween but these kittens might be the ones getting scared if they should read what is painted on the door they are hanging around.

Kittens on Dog’s Porch

Kittens on Dog's Porch