Tag: Lake Superior

Picture of the Day for December 12, 2017

The snow was sparkling this morning with the sunlight reflecting off the snow crystals. But sunshine in winter generally means cold temperatures and it was this morning starting out at two degrees, although it wasn’t as cold as it was when I had hiked out to the ice caves several years ago to see sunlight sparkling off thicker ice pieces.

Sunlight Reflecting on Ice

Sunlight Reflecting on Ice


Picture of the Day for September 3, 2017

The long Labor Day holiday weekend marks unofficial end of summer and many people this weekend are trying to get that last trip or adventure in before school starts and winter comes. And on this warm Sunday day, it would have been a good time to be on the lakes enjoying water activities, even if it was just a boat ride viewing rock formations like these sea caves, called Cave of All Colors in the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore on Lake Superior.

Cave of All Colors

Cave of All Colors