Tag: Lake

Picture of the Day for June 5, 2016

In addition to the state free park weekend, it is also Wisconsin’s free fishing weekend so that those without a fishing license can try to hook a fish. There is also a free fishing weekend in January but the ideal of walking on ice, cutting a hole in the ice and trying to stay warm to catch a fish just isn’t appealing to me as going in the summer time when you just have deer flies, mosquitoes and some other summer things to deal with.

Trying to Catch One

Trying to Catch One

Picture of the Day for November 4, 2015

If you weren’t outside raking up the fallen leaves, you may have been enjoying one last warm day out on the lake or climbing the bluffs around Devil’s Lake near Baraboo, Wisconsin. If you had more energy for more than a just scroll around the lake shore, you could hike the trails up on the bluffs to see some interesting rock formations like Prospect Point, Elephant Rock, Balanced Rock and the Devil’s Doorway as well as enjoying the view from the top.

Devil’s Lake

Devil's Lake

Picture of the Day for September 7, 2015

There were fireworks going off in the neighborhood last night, I assuming to celebrate the holiday, but some others had nature’s version of fireworks with the rumble of thunder and the lightning brightening the night sky and reflecting in the water as the storms moved through the area. I wouldn’t want be in a tent camping out when a storm rolls though even if the lightning bounced around the clouds instead of a lot of ground strikes.

Brightening the Night Sky

Brightening the Night Sky

Picture of the Day for July 25, 2015

On a hot summer Saturday, I am sure the beach will be filled with people cooling off at Interfalls Lake in Pattison State Park. The twenty-three acre lake, containing several small islands, is downstream from the Little Manitou Falls. And the sound of the small dam and the roar of the Big Manitou Falls can be heard directly behind this spot. In a span of a short distance, the waters of the Black River makes a 30 foot drop before flowing into a calm lake briefly before it goes over the dam and then the big plunge of 165 feet until it makes its way to Lake Superior.

Interfalls Lake

Interfalls Lake