Tag: leaves

Picture of the Day for April 22, 2014

The frog were correct, spring is here or at least the snow has finally melted off the lawn. And it is fitting that the snow left so you can see the ‘earth’ again for Earth Day.

Earth Day began in 1970, with a federal proclamation from U.S. Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, when 20 million people across the United States (one in ten) rallied for increased protection of the environment.

Nelson recounted in an essay shortly before he died in July 2005 at 89. “The American people finally had a forum to express its concern about what was happening to the land, rivers, lakes, and air—and they did so with spectacular exuberance.”

Earth Day

Earth Day

Picture of the Day for December 1, 2013

Today might be the last Sunday above freezing for a walk in the woods without the ground being covered in snow until springtime, but with deer hunting still going on, it might not be too safe for a walk without wearing orange.

But if you did adventure out in the woods around here, you might spot some bright green leaves looking totally out of place with the rest of the autumn decor. The Hepatica is first wildflower to appear in my woods in the spring, where the blossoms comes up on its own stem and the leaves do not appear until after the flower petals have dropped. And while they are first wildflower in the spring, the Hepatica seems to be the last one giving green color to the forest floor.

Wee Bit of Green

Wee Bit of Green

Picture of the Day for September 4, 2012

They say Labor Day marks the end of summer as the kids go back to school, summer vacations ends and the daylight gets shorter. Apparently the trees looked at the calendar too since the maples are making it look like fall instead of summer. And while I won’t miss the heat of summer, fall never seems to last long and soon we will be complaining about the cold snow.

End of Summer

Picture of the Day for July 18, 2012

This morning I found my old maple tree on the ground. It had weathered a lightning strike, wind storms but finally succumbed to the forces of nature and the beautiful maple is no more. It will no longer wave its bright colored leaves in the fall for the sun to see. Instead it will slowly decay back into the soil but hopefully some of last year’s seeds survived and a new maple will takes it’s place.

Autumn Maple Leaves