Tag: Lightning

Picture of the Day for October 2, 2017

I took a picture of this silver maple tree earlier this summer to be used for a base image of a family tree, but the look of the tree was changed overnight when a bolt of lightning blew a lot of the bark off the tree. And you can follow the missing bark all the way up one of the limbs to the top of the tree. The bark was thrown from the tree across the driveway and lawn to the other side of the house. The new cracks in the trunk might make the tree blow down in the next wind storm and it is lightning out again this evening. The lightning also zapped the transformer (and at least one electric fencer) so the farm was without power for a while early this morning.

Blown Away Bark

Blown Away Bark

Picture of the Day for August 20, 2017

There may not have been much color in the sunset tonight, but the southern sky was displaying some red and white lightning from a storm that was 45 miles away. People often refer to it as heat lightning as no thunder is heard, but is really is just lightning from the distant thunderstorms, sometimes 100 miles away, in which sound cannot carry that far.

Silent Lightning

Silent Lightning

Picture of the Day for September 7, 2015

There were fireworks going off in the neighborhood last night, I assuming to celebrate the holiday, but some others had nature’s version of fireworks with the rumble of thunder and the lightning brightening the night sky and reflecting in the water as the storms moved through the area. I wouldn’t want be in a tent camping out when a storm rolls though even if the lightning bounced around the clouds instead of a lot of ground strikes.

Brightening the Night Sky

Brightening the Night Sky