Tag: Monarch Butterfly

Picture of the Day for May 10, 2022

It definitely has been a weird late spring and this year as the first butterfly I spotted was not the red admiral or the mourning cloak, but a monarch. Plus the bumble bees were out today, but they will not find this flower for several months yet so the few flowers that have opened will have lots of visitors.

Return of the Monarch 

Return of the Monarch

Picture of the Day for July 28, 2020

A pair of monarchs were floating around together while I was mowing and I suppose they have to hurry up and mate so there is a later generation which will migrate in the fall. Monarchs will remain together for several hours, sometimes as long as 16 hours, as they mate before the male releases the female so she can lay her eggs.

Monarchs Mating

Monarchs Mating

Picture of the Day for September 19, 2019

Bugs, bees and butterflies were enjoying a dry day to collect nectar from the late summer flowers. This monarch butterfly was very intent on collecting from goldenrod, which provides a good nectar flow in late summer. Most adults monarchs only live for a few weeks, but the generation born as fall approaches hold off on reproducing and monarchs from this area will make the long migration to Mexico. These migrating monarchs will live for six to eight months before starting back north in the spring.

Monarch on Goldenrod

Monarch on Goldenrod