Tag: Nodding Trillium

Picture of the Day for May 27, 2018

The woods at the farm were filled with the great white trillium which is easily spotted, but this year none of my had blossoms as they have been eaten off by the deer too many years in a row and I only some leaves which emerged but no blossoms. The only variety of trilliums I have blooming this year are the Nodding Trilliums, which hide from the deer as they ‘nod’ or hang underneath the large three leaves. The way they hide also makes it hard to photo since you have to be on the ground looking up at it (or cheat and tip the stem over to see the blossom better).

Hiding Blossoms

Hiding Blossoms

Picture of the Day for May 16, 2016

It was nice not waking up to a white lawn today, after the snow on Saturday morning and the heavy frost Sunday morning, but some white is missing as the deer have eaten all of my Great White Trilliums. The flowers and leaves are gone with only a stem remaining. Apparently the Nodding Trillium leaves don’t taste as good as the deer eat them or there is no white blossom drawing attention to them as the blossom of the Nodding Trillium hangs underneath the leaves and you don’t notice the flowers.

Elusive Blossom

Elusive Blossom

Picture of the Day for May 18, 2015

The solitary flower of a Nodding Trillium hangs underneath the leaves so it isn’t spotted very easily (and maybe why the deer don’t eat as many of these trilliums as the other type) but it also makes it difficult to take a picture of them as the camera has to be on the ground shooting upward. With the probably frost tonight, the Nodding Trillium probably will want to keep its head covered under the leaves.

Finding the Nodding Trillium

Finding the Nodding Trillium

Picture of the Day for June 4, 2014

The Nodding Trilliums are blooming, although it is easy to miss the blossoms since they hang under the leaves. But hiding under the leaves, don’t always protect them from the deer seeing them and eating the plant. And it is hard to get a picture of the blossoms since have to get down and look up. Trillium cernuum is also known as Nodding Wakerobin and Whip-poor-will flower. The Drooping Trillium is very similar and hard to tell the ‘drooping’ ones from the ‘nodding’ ones.

Nodding Trillium

Nodding Trillium