Tag: Old Building

Picture of the Day for September 13, 2020

After the Labor Day weekend, many historic and museums close for the season or have limited hours, but this year many have been closed all summer because of the virus. This historic site has the Eskolin House which is a Finnish dovetail corner log cabin, built in the early 1900’s and was occupied by Nestor and Elsie Eskolin from 1917 until the 1960’s. Great Lakes Captain George Eskolin, who served for 40 years, was raised in this home.

The Eskolin House

The Eskolin House

Picture of the Day for May 5, 2017

On a nice sunny spring day in the lower 70s, after a stretch of cold rainy ones, I would have trouble sitting still in school. Course many of the students in this school may have be absent in the spring time as some of the boys would have helped with the crop planting. This old school was built around 1898.

Old Potter School

Old Potter Schoolhouse

Picture of the Day for May 1, 2016

In the era when a majority of adult children lived in a fairly close radius around their parents, Sundays often included dinner at grandma’s house. But now families are scattered around the country and world, so the weekly visit to the grandparents are no longer common as recreation and other activities fill the Sundays instead. It doesn’t look like this old house has had a Sunday dinner for a while.

No More Sunday Dinners

No More Sunday Dinners

Picture of the Day for March 12, 2016

As winter has released its hold for a few days, one can examine the land for destruction caused by the harsh winter winds. I have noticed a lot of dead trees that have fallen this winter, some which are blocking my trails, and I’m sure there are a few less old wooden structures now too.  And when they are gone, a piece of history vanishes too.

Reminders from the Past

Reminders from the Past