Tag: Old Building

Picture of the Day for February 29, 2016

Today is a day to catch up our current Gregorian calendar to the actual solar year with a extra day in this leap year. Unless the earth is shoved into a different orbit, a complete orbit of the earth around the sun takes exactly 365.2422 days to complete, so the Gregorian calendar using 365 days gets out of whack without adding an extra day every four years. But every four years is too much so the extra rule of any centennial year that is divisible by 400 does have a leap day. But even all the extra tweaking, the leap year rules still adds an extra half minute a year so in 3,000 years or so, people decide what to do.

This old building has seen plenty of leap years and time has not leaped over it but instead the building has endured the harsh weather of the years and it may not see a great number of leap years in its future.

Time Leaping Ahead

Time Leaping Ahead

Picture of the Day for October 5, 2015

This old lighthouse seems a tad bit weathered and worn out. The Grand Island East Channel Lighthouse has seen a lot of seasons even though its service years were few. The ‘schoolhouse’ style lighthouse was built out of wood instead of brick or stone, but stood proudly in it white coat of paint and first displayed its light in 1868. But being close to the water edge was a maintenance nightmare and the foundation was in constant danger of being undermined. The tower was stuck by lightning in 1891 and the lighthouse was becoming expensive to maintain.

The poor old lighthouse was last lit in 1908 after two range lights were constructed in the town of Munising since the old lighthouse wasn’t visible to Lake Superior traffic with its location at the southernmost point of the island and the light remained completely invisible to vessels entering through the eastern passage until they were almost abreast of the light itself.

A hundred years ago, the lighthouse was sold to a consortium of 20 individuals. The white paint soon turned to a driftwood gray, but thousands of tourists taking the Picture Rocks cruises, photograph this lighthouse which is no longer in it glory days but still has it own unique charm.

Faded From Glory Days

Faded From Glory Days

Picture of the Day for September 3, 2015

My lawn sure needs a haircut and with the thick fog this morning, it is not drying out very fast to be able to mow. Even in the era when doctors made house calls, I don’t think the local barber would come and trim my lawn. I would have had to hire the local neighborhood boy to mow my yard but these days that is rare to find as the kids are too busy playing with their electronic gadgets and don’t work for their spending money during the summer. Those days have faded like this old barber shop.

Old Barber Shop

Old Barber Shop

Picture of the Day for April 7, 2015

Across rural America, many old one room schoolhouses (or even fancier multi-room schools like this one) are used for township halls for meetings and voting. So some rural schools, where bells once rang in the past to gather children and survived abandonment, have traffic through their doors again today as people cast their votes on election day.

Old Schoolhouses Survive as Town Halls

Old Schoolhouses Survive as Town Halls

Picture of the Day for March 19, 2015

Astronomical winter ends today, but even though there is no snow on the ground, it doesn’t mean there won’t be more snow before winter is truly over. Especially since the robins aren’t back yet and the saying is that it’s not officially spring until “it has snowed on the Robins’ tail three times.”  I think this old milkhouse would prefer not getting snowed on again three more times as it is probably as ready for spring as I am.

Astronomical End of Winter

Astronomical End of Winter