Tag: Pig

Picture of the Day for July 27, 2015

On another warm summer day, these little baby pot-bellied pigs might want to find a cool place but it won’t be in my house even if they are cute when little, but like all things, they grow up and soon there is a hundred pound pig, or larger, is wanting attention.

I might sweat like a pig on this hot day, but the pigs won’t as they don’t sweat much and it is why they wallow in mud to cool off. The expression “sweat like a pig” came from pig iron, a form of iron smelting which the iron ore is heated to extreme temperatures and is poured into a mold shaped like one long line with many smaller lines branching off of it at right angles. This looks similar to piglets feeding from their mother, so these pieces became known as pigs. The smelter has to wait until the liquid cools to move it  and as the metal cools, the air around it reaches the dew point, causing droplets to form on the metal’s surface. When the “pig” is sweating, it’s cool enough to be moved.

Sweat Like A Pig

Sweat Like A Pig

These pigs probably want the bowl filled back up with water to play in.