Tag: Pine Needles

Picture of the Day for March 24, 2019

I spotted these “creatures” in the road ditch. I didn’t know if they look more like soldiers in camouflage, cavemen in woolly mammoth coats or some other scary creature hiding along the road. But these creatures will eventually melt like the wicked witch of the west, whenever the sunshine can penetrate their pine needle coats.

Camouflage Creatures

Camouflage Creatures

Picture of the Day for October 26, 2018

The pine trees are also shedding needles now too, even though they are evergreen trees, but pine trees can hold their needles for 2-5 or more years, depending on the species and spruce tree hold on to theirs 5 to 7 years. The white pine is more noticeable with its needle drop as it only holds its needles for two years so the ground is covered in needles, which makes a nice place for this mourning dove to stay dry from the light rain under the branches.

Dove in the Needles

Dove in the Needles