The snow was melting and shrinking with the above freezing temperature, but this tree limb probably will be recovered with a lot more snow if the weather forecasters are accurate for the approaching storm.
Snow on Pine Needles
One year I put Christmas lights on this tree, even all the way to the top by standing on the tallest stepladder I had in addition to a 20 foot pole, as I don’t like trees with light only near the bottom. But Mother Nature decided to add more decorations in the way of icicles and the heavy weight of the ice pulled my lights down towards the bottom so it looked like a dorky tree. So the next year, I did a smaller tree that I could put the lights back up easier but the rabbits decided to chew on the extension cord. So now I just let Mother Nature decorate the tree however she wants – although I wished it wasn’t in the form of cold temperatures.
Mother Nature Decorates the Christmas Tree
The morning brought another layer of hoarfrost and once again, no sun to make it pop out but instead the pine blends in with the rest of the gray landscape or looks like Christmas trees flocked with white. But at least the frost means the temperatures weren’t frigid like it will be later this week.
Pine Flocked
This poor pine tree looks a little beaten down and hanging his head on this gray day, even though it was way above the 29 normal average temperature. It reached 57 for a short time this afternoon, which is the normal high here for October 15. But the tree probably knows the change is coming with temperatures dropping tomorrow to 12 plus strong winds to make a big change in the weather.
Hanging Low
The new snow was sparkling in the very crisp air this afternoon, even if it was warmer than the over night low of -22 (although it might have been colder but my digital thermometer only goes to -22). The snow squeaked when walking on it to do chores so I didn’t stay out long to take many pictures as the camera battery drained quickly in the cold but the snow covered tree caught my eye with the sun peeking out behind it.
Very Cold Sunday Afternoon