Tag: Pond

Picture of the Day for July 7, 2020

I had finished the mowing and a few other chores outside when I came in for supper this evening. The next thing I noticed was water dripping off the roof but the sun was shining. So I grabbed my camera as I figured there would be a rainbow and when I started out down to my pond, it was just light sprinkles. In a few minutes, those tiny drops turned into lots of big drops that pelted me and caused big splashes in the pond. Between scrambling to keep my camera dry under my shirt (which was soaked very quickly) and someone forgetting to change the exposure setting from the moon shots, not too many pictures turned out without raindrops on the lens. I was standing close to this same spot, but this rainbow was taken on a different day when there was only one raindrop on the camera lens and I didn’t get as soaked taking the picture.

Wet Rainbow

Wet Rainbow

Picture of the Day for May 26, 2020

While there were a few quiet moments today, Mother Nature was generally not very peaceful today. The birds were complaining loudly this morning and I discovered the reason. The bear made a return visit and managed to destroy both of my seed feeders and it took a while to patch them enough so the birds could have their seeds again. And then the afternoon storms rolled in and the first one knocked the power out for a couple of hours and the power was just restored in time for the next wave of rain and thunder.

Before the Rain Storm

Before the Rain Storm

Picture of the Day for April 13, 2020

It wasn’t a dream that it looked like Christmas yesterday instead of Easter as this morning the ground was still white even if the morning sun make it less depressing than prior cloudy day. But the clouds rolled back in and more snow fell to cover areas that were starting to melt. At least my pond didn’t freeze over yet and although I didn’t see any ducks swimming there this morning, there was duck tracks in the snow by the edge.

Bright White

Bright White