Tag: Purple Bergamont

Picture of the Day for July 22, 2012

When I was taking pictures of the purple bee balm, a hummingbird clearwing moth appeared briefly. They move rather quickly so it is hard to get a shot of them. I have lots of shots with the flower only as they darted away as I pressed the button.

The Hummingbird Clearwing, is a moth of the Sphingidae family but you first might think it is a hummingbird by its flight patterns as it hovers, sipping nectar from the flowers a few seconds before finding a new flower.

Hummingbird Clearwing

Picture of the Day for July 11, 2012

Some of the road ditches have turned into a sea of pink. The Monarda media, better known as Purple Bergamont or Purple Bee Balm, is a native wildflower that is a member of the mint family. When I was taking pictures, there were more butterflies than bees on the flowers, or it seemed that way since the butterflies are larger. But I did spot one honey bee working hard so the Purple Bee Balm name could apply for this blossom.

Busy Bee on Purple Bergamont or Purple Bee Balm