Tag: River

Picture of the Day for September 24, 2013

A babbling stream can make a very soothing sound for one to enjoy and relax. And while this seems like a nice river with water creating gurgles and ripples around and over rocks, the sound was a bit noisier with the upper falls of the Siskiwit River upstream and the middle falls directly behind me.

The sound is not roaring as larger falls would generate as the Siskiwit Falls only drops twenty feet in a series of drops and slides, with the largest cascading slide having a drop of ten feet and the other three drops and slides averaging two to five feet as it empties into the Lake Superior less than a mile away. But little falls were still impressive as you could get right up to the falls and let the water spill over your hands as it dropped over the falls but one problem of getting so close, I kept getting drops of water on the camera lens.

Siskiwit Falls

Siskiwit Falls

Picture of the Day for February 19, 2013

It appears that Paul Bunyan hasn’t straighten out this river like he had done with the crooked river that was causing log jams for the loggers. Besides straightening rivers, the mythic folk hero Paul was also responsible for creating the 10,000 Lakes of Minnesota when Paul and his blue Ox Babe left footprints when they wandered blindly in a deep blizzard. The Great Lakes were also formed by Paul to have a watering hole big enough for Babe to drink from.

When Paul Bunyan dragged his axe behind him one day, he created the Grand Canyon and when Babe and Paul were roughhousing and shoving each other around, they created the Grand Tetons. And when Paul needed to get clean afterwards, he made a shower but forgot to turn it off when he finished and it is still running as Yellowstone Falls.

From the five storks that took to deliver Paul to the Mississippi River running backwards when Babe took a big swallow, the mythic legend and stories live on. What is mythic or a mystery to me is how a river doesn’t freeze over in below zero temperatures like last night when the river doesn’t appear to be flowing very fast. But then maybe Paul is upstream washing his feet as they could be hot from his wool socks and lumberjack boots.

Crooked Creek

Crooked Creek



Picture of the Day for December 3, 2012

The grey days of November are continuing into December so I might have to do a yellow theme this week just to have some bright colors to help pretend that it is not so cloudy outside. This picture might not have a lot of yellow but does make me think of summer.

The Taylor Falls Princess is 78 feet long and travels the St. Croix River near Taylor Falls, MN. And while the St. Croix River is very deep in some spots like the narrow basalt gorge of the Dalles area, the river does widen out once past the hard rocks and can get very shallow so the loaded draft is only 1.5 feet for the Princess.

Taylor Falls Princess